My Group

I work closely with lots of academics across the University of Exeter and elsewhere, and so the people in my group are often shared with other academics.

Current PhD students

  • Aaron Carruthers: Aaron started his PhD with me in October 2021. His research focuses on the crystalline arrangments of cyclones recently discovered at Jupiter's north and south poles. He's using idealised dynamical models to understand how the cyclones might have got to where they are today, and how they might be sustained against dissipation. Aaron's second supervisor is Dr William Seviour.
  • Regan Mudhar: I am second supervisor to Regan. Her project focuses on understanding the response of Earth's stratosphere to changes in Arctic Sea ice and vice-versa. Her project is closely linked with the NERC-funded ArctiConnect project lead by Prof. James Screen. Regan's lead supervisor is Dr William Seviour.
  • Daniel Williams: I am second supervisor to Dan, whose project focuses on understanding whether the atmosphere of Titan could ever enter a runaway greenhouse state. Dan's lead supervisor is Prof. Geoff Vallis.
  • Brett McKim: I am second supervisor to Brett. His project focuses better understanding the role of water vapour in Earth's radiation budget.

Current Postdocs

  • Neil Lewis: Neil is working as a postdoc on the ArctiConnect project lead by Prof. James Screen. His project focuses on the impact of changes in Arctic Sea ice on measures of jet-stream waviness, as well as the role played by the basic-state in determining a model's response to forcing.