
I am passionate about STEM outreach and have worked on a number of outreach projects. The most recent of these has been the NERC-funded project entitled 'Demystifying climate models', which I was awarded in 2021. The aim of the project was to remove some of the mystery around 'climate models' by getting students to design and run their own climate model experiments with our modelling framework Isca. For this project we designed and built a new web-based front end for our Isca climate model, which allows students to change certain model parameters, including CO2 level. The students are then asked to make predictions, and the results are returned to them in a graphical format.

During this project we worked closely with Exeter Science Centre to develop resources to go with our new website, as well as local web design agency Tristan Parker. We ran several sessions for year 7-9 students in West Exe School, and are looking for further resources to expand this to more schools in future.